The app is created for use by 1 person at a time. This is because the app has tracking and goals specific to you and will make changes based on your goal to keep you on track.
Each week when you check in on the app, the app will make adjustments to your plan based on your progress.
You can change this during the workout anytime while adding the weight to the workout set. When you input the value to the weight field, there is an option on the left side of the ...
In the forums, if you post any questions then Joe and/or Bryce will reply with a personal voice note. You can check the forums and see hundreds of these types of replies.
Sorry, we only support English right now, we hope to add Spanish in the future
In the app the 2nd icon allows you to log food and plan your meals. Using the goal feature you can generate target macronutrients for your goal and then use the meal planner to lo ...